Hearing Decision

Joint Hearing of Application

WDC S42A Report and Appendices

For Appendix A- Application and Further Information please refer to the Notification Documents listed below under Notification


Council has received and publicly notified in the Franklin County News on Thursday 4 June 2020 a resource consent application by McPherson Resources Ltd. The application is for the continuation and expansion of mineral extraction activities at the McPherson Quarry with the extraction of 490,000 tonne of quarry material (weathered greywacke) annually for a period of up to 45 years over three stages, with associated overburden removal and placement; deposition of cleanfill; and, indigenous vegetation clearance of an Identified Significant Natural Feature, Schedule 5A area and Significant Natural Area within the Rural Zone at 47 Mcpherson Road and 93 Irish Road Mangatawhiri.

The application overall falls to be a Non-Complying Activity under the Operative Waikato District Plan- Franklin Section (ODP) and a Discretionary Activity under the Proposed Waikato District Plan (PWDP).

The key elements of the proposal are as follows:

  • Mineral extraction of 490,000 tonne of weathered greywacke annually for a period of up 45 years over three stages.
  • Hours of operation- 7:00am to 7:00pm Monday to Saturday.
  • 165 daily truck movements (approx. 82 arriving to the site and approximately 82 trucks departing from the site including importation of cleanfill)
  • Earthworks with a volume of approx. 18,784,018 m³ over approx. 28.77 ha (Stage 1 = 8.72 ha, Stage 2 = 8.39 ha, Stage 3 = 11.66 ha) and vertical faces with a maximum of 15m high with 7.5m wide benches.
  • The deposition of cleanfill with a maximum volume of 100,000m³ per annum over a period of 45 years. Importation of cleanfill will not result in additional traffic movements as trucks bring in cleanfill will leave with aggregate.
  • Removal of 2.45ha (2.08ha in Stage 1 and 0.37ha in Stage 3)of indigenous vegetation within an Identified Signficnat Natural Feature and Schedule 5A area (policy overlay area under the ODP)
  • Approximately 1,249,468m³ of earthworks are proposed within the Significant Natural Area (PWDP notified layer) over an area of 2.08ha (within Stage 1). The remainder 0.37ha of indigenous vegetation to be removed is outside the SNA area.
  • Compensation planting to form a 4.53ha ecological corridor to the north of the quarry expansion.

If you have any questions about this application please contact:

Victoria Majoor Phone: 0800 492 452 Email: victoria.majoor@waidc.govt.nz

Submissions have now closed

Related Documents

Application Appendices

Further Information

Peer Review Reports

Waikato Regional Council Documents (Limited Notification)