Hearing of Application
The hearing of the application by G & S Singleton Heritage Ltd will be held at Waikato District Council, Galileo Street Ngaruawahia on Monday 6 July 2020 commencing at 9.30am..
Council's supplementary evidence
Submitter's Expert Evidence
Applicant Expert Evidence
S42A Report with Appendices
For Appendix A - Application and Further Information please refer to the Notification Documents listed below under Notification
S42A ReportPDF (2.59 MB)
Appendix B - District Plan AssessmentsPDF (721.98 KB)
Appendix C - Land Development Engineering Techincal ReportPDF (217.48 KB)
Appendix D - Landscape Visual AssessmentPDF (7.92 MB)
Appendix E - Stormwater and Flooding AssessmentPDF (769.50 KB)
Appendix F - Notification DecisionPDF (3.87 MB)
Appendix G - Submissions ReceivedPDF (6.45 MB)
Appendix H - Draft ConditionsPDF (12.84 MB)
Council recieved and publicly notified in the Waikato Times on Monday 9th March 2020 an application by G & S Singleton Heritage Limited. The application is for resource consent to create eight additional allotments from two existing allotments in the Rural Zone at 635 State Highway 23 WHATAWHATA (formerly known as the Westlands Golf Course).
The proposal includes the following elements:
- A balance lot of 35.41ha and nine rural residential lifestyle sized lots ranging between 0.8530ha and 1.80ha in size;
- Access to two of the proposed lots is proposed to be directly be off State Highway 23;
- Access to the eight of the proposed lots is proposed via a right of way with a legal width of 10m;
- To mitigate effects of the proposed subdivision; the following mitigation is proposed.
- Restricted Building Areas within each proposed lot (except Lot 8 and 9 which contains existing buildings) as shown on the Annotated Scheme Plan showing proposed restricted building areas. If consent is granted, a consent notice will be imposed to each lot advising current and future owners that new buildings shall be constructed within the identified area within the respective lot.
- Visual Mitigation Planting as shown on the proposed covenant vegetative area plan which shows areas within the site is proposed to be subject to a land covenant to ensure existing and proposed planting providing visual mitigation will be retained and maintained should consent be granted and given effect to. This covenant vegetative area plan supersedes the supplementary planting plan provided with the application.
- Design Mitigation Measures as identified in the Landscape Visual Assessment prepared by Boffa Miskell to minimise the potential adverse landscape and visual effects.
If you have any questions about this application please contact:
Cameron Aplin
Phone: 027 274 0908
Email: camerona@bcdgroup.nz