Hearing Decision

Hearing of Application

A hearing will be held at the Waikato District Council Office, Galileo St Ngaruawahia commencing at 9:30am Tuesday 24th November 2020.

S42A Report with Appendices

For Appendix A - Application and Further Information please refer to the Notification Documents listed below under Notification

Hearing of Application

A hearing will be held at the Waikato District Council Office, Galileo Street Ngaruawahia commencing at 9.30am Tuesday 24th November 2020.

Council has received and publicly notified in the Waikato Times on Monday 20th July 2020 a resource consent application by Quattro Property Holdings Limited.The application is for resource consent to construct and operate a seven unit commercial development which comprises retail, takeaways, a hair salon and superette with associated carparking, signage and earthworks in the Country Living Zone at 561 Horotiu Road, Te Kowhai.

The commercial development comprises a single level building with a floor area of 1,290m². The building is proposed to comprise seven retail tenancies, including a hairdresser, pizza shop with outdoor seating, and superette.

Vehicle access is proposed via two entrances off Horotiu Road. 39 car parking spaces will be provided, including two accessible spaces. One loading space has been provided along the southern boundary, nearest a communal refuse area.

A freestanding sign, comprising a maximum height of 7m and a width of 205mm, is proposed to be located between the northern and southern vehicle entrances. Signage will also be attached to each tenancy in order to identify the activities occurring within each tenancy.

The application seeks the following hours of operation for each respective outlet seven days a week (Monday to Sunday):

. Takeaway / pizza outlet – l0am to l0pm

. Retail and hairdressers - 8am to 6pm

. Superette - 7am to l0pm

It is proposed to manage wastewater, water supply and stormwater on site. The proposal has been supported by a Three Waters Management Plan prepared by Wainui Environmental.

The proposed earthworks plan shows 3670m2 of earthworks with cut volume of 5872m3 and fill volume of 6239m3. All cut material is proposed to be removed from the site and the fill volume will be imported. It is estimated that approximately 600 truck movements will occur across approximately 43 working days.

Please contact Michelle Carmine Consultant Planner at Element Planning, telephone 022 605 9822 or email michelle@elementplanning.co.nz , if you have any questions about the application.

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Further Information