During the consultation period we received 177 submissions with the majority of respondents indicating that they want a community hub and are prepared to pay an operational targeted rate.

However, respondents also indicated that they would not be prepared to pay a targeted rate (above operational costs) to ensure a community hub is built.

This means that the cost to build the community hub must be covered by Council, outside funding providers and any community fundraising. No additional targeted rate will be implemented to cover the cost to build the hub.

These results were considered through the March Strategy & Finance Committee meeting with the recommendation going through the April Council meeting.

As a result, a resolution was passed to support the majority outcome and allow planning to continue.

As the community has indicated they are not willing to pay an additional targeted rate to cover build cost, if we are unsuccessful in achieving sufficient outside funding the project will not go ahead.

What happens next?

The detailed design and costing will begin, this will feed into the funding applications which will be made mid-2019. There will be an opportunity to review and input into the design as we progress.

This planning and funding application phase is expected to run through to December 2019.

After this point we will come back to the community to confirm the total cost and funding achieved, and therefore whether the build will go ahead.