Proposed Alcohol Control Bylaw 2020
Waikato District Council has developed a Proposed Alcohol Control Bylaw 2020 and would like to hear your feedback.
Section 147 of the Local Government Act 2002 (The Act) gives Council the ability to develop alcohol control bylaws to prohibit or regulate the consumption, possession, or bringing of alcohol into public places for one or more specified periods, or during specified times.
An alcohol bylaw must be a reasonable limitation on rights and freedoms and there must be evidence of a high level of crime or disorder caused by alcohol consumption.
The proposed new bylaw supports safe alcohol consumption habits by controlling where and when people can possess or consume alcohol in public places, through a mix of permanent, timed, and seasonal bans on alcohol in our towns, urban areas, beaches, and reserves.
Tell us what you think
You can view the proposed permanent alcohol ban options and seasonal alcohol ban area on our maps in the document library on this page. A statement of proposal can also be found there along with a full copy of the proposed bylaw.
Have your say
We welcome your online feedback here or you can download and print a copy of the submission form from the document library on this page.
Please provide us with your feedback by 5pm on 05 October 2020.
If you would like further information, please contact us at or phone Jodi Bell-Wymer.