Let’s talk about our plans for the next nine years

Kia koorero taatou moo too taatou mahere moo ngaa tau e iwa e haere ake nei

The Waikato district offers excellent quality of life with a growing economy, community connection, rich culture and heritage, and a unique mix of rural and urban areas.

The services and infrastructure provided by Waikato District Council support the quality of life for our communities, and businesses and employment in our towns. Our towns and villages are connected by safe, efficient transport networks. Managing our waters and rubbish and recycling is essential in caring for our people and our environment. Parks, libraries, and recreational facilities are developed and maintained, offering spaces for families to gather, learn, play, and be active.

While your council is dedicated to achieving its vision of creating "liveable, thriving, and connected communities", we are facing some challenges in the coming years, just like other areas of New Zealand. To keep providing quality services for you and your whaanau, we will need to carefully balance costs while keeping rates increases to a minimum.

This means making some tough choices about what is most important to maintain our district and keep moving forward.

Additional information can be found in the document library on your right alongside the process for setting our plans.

Major matters for 2025-2034

We need your feedback on issues our district is facing over the next nine years. Click on an image to provide feedback on a specific matter, otherwise you can provide feedback on all matters.