Waikato District Council has prepared Stage 2 of the Proposed Waikato District Plan which covers Natural Hazards and Climate Change (‘Stage 2 of the Proposed Plan’). As a consequence, it has also prepared Variation 2 to Stage 1 of the Proposed Waikato District Plan (“Variation 2”). Both Stage 2 of the Proposed Plan and Variation 2 are now open for submissions.
Stage 2 of Proposed Plan is the second and final stage of the Waikato District Council’s review of the Operative Waikato District Plan (“the Operative Plan”) under the Resource Management Act 1991. The District Plan Review, through its two stages, integrates the Waikato and Franklin Sections of the Operative Plan into a single district plan with a consistent approach to growth, development and the sustainable management of natural and physical resources across the district.
Stage 2 of the Proposed Plan includes planning provisions for natural hazards, including river flooding, flood ponding, coastal inundation and erosion, Huntly mine subsidence, slope instability, wildfire and liquefaction; as well as climate change. Coastal land at risk of inundation or erosion in the next 100 years has been mapped. Land subject to river flooding and ponding risks has also been mapped. Development controls in relation to land subject to natural hazards have been revised.
Variation 2 makes minor amendments to some of the chapters of Stage 1 of the Proposed Plan to align the two stages; including a new strategic objective for climate change and natural hazards, and additional matters of discretion for activities such as subdivision and earthworks.
Click the link below to view further Stage 2 and Variation 2 of the Proposed Plan information, including the relevant Planning Maps
If you have any questions about Stage 2 of the Proposed Plan and/or Variation 2, please contact districtplan@waidc.govt.nz or 0800 492 452.
Summary of Decisions Requested
Waikato District Council has prepared a summary of submissions on the Proposed Waikato District Plan – Stage 2, Natural Hazards and Climate Change, see link below, which was publicly notified on 30 November 2020.
Further Submissions
Further submissions are to be lodged no later than 5pm on Monday 14 December 2020 at one of the following addresses for service:
By e-mail to: districtplan@waidc.govt.nz
By post to: Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia 3742
By delivery to: Any of the Waikato District Council offices or libraries listed below.
- Waikato District Council- 15 Galileo Street Ngaruawahia
- Huntly Area Office and Public Library- 142 Main Street, Huntly
- Raglan Area Office and Library- 7 Bow Street, Raglan
- Ngaruawahia Library- 4 Jesmond Street, Ngaruawahia
- Te Kauwhata Library- 1 Main Road, Te Kauwhata
- Tuakau Area Office- 2 Dominion Road, Tuakau
- Tuakau Library- 72 George Street