We are reviewing our Road Closures for Motor Sport Events Policy.

We are wanting to know your thoughts on our draft Road Closures for Motor Sport Events Policy.

This policy outlines Council’s stance on the use of roads owned and/or managed by Council for motor sport events (car rallies) and sets out the conditions and considerations Council has for any applications that are submitted.

Key elements of the proposed policy

The guiding principles of the reviewed policy focus on the potential impacts of an application on our roading network, the affected communities, and the suitability of the proposed roads for the event.

It also sets out the requirements for:

  • the application process for temporary road closures;
  • the public notification requirements; and
  • how applications will be assessed.

Out of scope of this policy

Please note this policy does not apply to any other events that may apply for temporary road closures, or to roads Council does not own.

What will you do with my feedback?

Your feedback will be collated and analysed by staff and presented to Council’s Policy and Regulatory Committee after being heard by a hearings panel in August / September. If you want to, you can present your submission to the Committee in person. If you decide not to do so, your submission will still be read and considered by the Committee. The submissions help us understand what the community wants, which informs the decisions Council will make.