Reclassification and Leasing of Pokeno Domain
Pursuant to Section 24A and Section 54 of the Reserves Act 1977, Waikato District Council are publicly notifying an intention to reclassify part of the Pookeno Recreation Reserve, formally gazetted as "Pokeno Domain" (also known as Avon Reserve), to Local Purpose Reserve (Community Centre), and an intention to grant a lease for a term of up 30 years to Te Hau Kainga Me Nga Mana Whenua O Pokeno for the establishment of an urban marae.
Councillors have indicated support for the proposal by approving the notification of the proposal to reclassify and grant a lease of part of the Pokeno Domain. (Infrastructure Committee 17 April 2024 INF20244/06)
The reserve is legally classified as Allotment 336 Section 1 PSH of Mangatawhiri.
The proposed reclassification and leasing of reserve land will result in the relocation of the dog park in order to make way for a shared carparking space. It is intended to keep the existing dog park operational until the urban marae is to be constructed. At that time the dog park will relocate to the northern part of the site.
How you can contribute
Submissions on the proposed reclassification and lease can be made using the interactive form below.
Alternatively, download a PDF form here or pick up a copy from council offices or libraries.
Contact us at with any questions or submissions, printed submissions dropped into any Waikato District Council Office, Hub or Library or can be sent to:
Waikato District Council
Private Bag 544
Proposed Concept Plan of Pokeno Domain