We would like to hear your views on the proposed Traffic Bylaw 2023.

Waikato District Council has been reviewing its Public Places Bylaw 2016 as required by the Local Government Act 2002. As part of that review, the decision was made to remove all traffic related content from the Bylaw and create a new Traffic Bylaw. We felt that traffic provisions were quite distinct from other types of public places and having a separate bylaw would make it easier for the community to understand the rules around traffic in the district.

The proposed Traffic Bylaw enables Council to put measures in place to protect the public from nuisance and protect, promote, and maintain public health and safety. This is done through setting requirements for parking, establishing standards for activities within the road reserve and general control of vehicular or other traffic.

The changes in the proposed bylaw include the:

  • addition of a Light Motor Vehicle Prohibition clause (to help reduce nuisance driving);
  • addition of a new 'turning restrictions' clause;
  • removal of stock movement clauses (as they are covered by other bylaws);
  • inclusion of 'damage to roads' and a 'damage to signs' clauses.