Council is responsible for creating and sustaining the environments in which the people who call the Waikato district home live, work, and play.

We know that the decisions Council makes impact on the wellbeing of everyone who lives in and visits our district. This includes the places and homes people live in; the way our communities are set up and the things available; how people get around and through the district; our shared sense of identity; and our ability to grow and thrive economically.

We always consider the social, cultural, economic, and environmental impacts of our decisions so, to help us with our decision making going forward, we have come up with an idea of what the future could look like when we consider all these elements.

We’ve developed four outcome statements to help guide us on this journey to great. These aren’t just lofty ambitions for Council to deliver on, we want to work in collaboration with our community, stakeholders, and partners, to create tangible goals and to get the best outcomes for everyone in the district.

So, before we start our plan for the next 10 years and make decisions about the work programmes that we will fund, we want to hear from you about whether these statements reflect the kind of future you want to see for the Waikato district.

The two big questions we would like you to keep in mind as you consider the statements are:

What would make Waikato District a better place to live? and

What does a happy and healthy community look like to you?