Notice is given pursuant to Section 14 of the Reserves Act 1977 that Waikato District Council, as the administering body of 327B Whangarata Road, is seeking to classify the piece of land as Local Purpose (Cemetery) Reserve.


327B Whangarata Road (Lot 1 DP 101962 and contained within Certificate of Title NA 57B/631) is approximately 8.3 hectares in area.

The property was purchased in 2015 to meet the cemetery provisions demand in the Tuakau area, as identified in Council's Cemetery Strategy.

The existing Tuakau Cemetery located on Alexandra Redoubt Road is close to capacity. Based on the current rate of burials in the township, there is likely only sufficient capacity for a further four months.

The north-east portion of the property was previous utilised as a dog exercise area and is generally easy in contour having a central ridgeline and falling away either side. On the northern boundary, the property adjoins the North Island Main Trunk Railway Line. There is currently a vacant house located on the property which was previously tenanted. Additionally, the site is partially leased for grazing, with the licence to occupy expiring in December 2024.

Resource Consent was granted in June 2019 for the establishment of a cemetery in a rural zone. There has been improvements to site in preparation for the cemetery, such as a formed accessway into the property and improved road access to Whangarata Road. Planting has occurred alongside the railway line, however there will need to be further works undertaken before the site is operational such as concrete berms, signage and further planting.

Reclassification Process:

Under the Reserves Act 1977, section 14,

"(1)Subject to this section, any local authority may by resolution declare any land vested in it to be a reserve within the meaning of this Act subject to any conditions specified in the resolution, to be held for any of the purposes specified in sections 17 to 23."

"(2) No such resolution shall be passed before the expiration of 1 month after notice of intention to pass the same and calling for objections thereto in writing has been published in 1 or more newspapers circulating in its district, and until it has considered all such objections received within that period"

"(4)The Minister shall consider the resolution and such objections (if any) as have been received by the local authority and the comments of the local authority thereon, and shall then in his or her discretion either cause the resolution to be gazetted or refuse to do so"

Therefore the reclassification process is as follows:

1. Public notification of classification recommendation allowing a one-month period for any person to submit an objection

2. Accepted objections have the right to be heard at a public hearing by a hearings panel.

3. The hearings panel provide a recommendation to the Infrastructure Committee.

4. The recommendation is presented to the Infrastructure Committee for a resolution to classify the reserve.

5. If the recommendation is approved, the new classification is then formalised by Gazette notice.

Any person wishing to make a submission on this proposal can do so on the online form below, or in writing by sending/delivering it by Monday, 23 September 2024.

By email:

By Post: The Chief Executive
Waikato District Council
Private Bag 544
Attention: Reserve Planning Team

Or drop it off at any Waikato District Council office or library.