
Waikato District Council adopted the Livestock Movement Bylaw on 30 June 2022, with minor changes. A list of what was proposed and Council changes can be found here.

Copies of the adopted Bylaw can be found at:

For any further questions, please contact us on 0800 492 452 or


The Policy and Regulatory Committee heard submissions and deliberated on the proposed Livestock Movement Bylaw 2022 on 4 April 2022.

15 submissions were received, and five submitters spoke at the Council hearing.

The report with all submissions and proposed amendments to the Bylaw following submissions, can be found here.

The video of the hearing and deliberations can be found at Council's Youtube page.

The proposed Bylaw will be amended following hearings and deliberations. The Bylaw is scheduled to brought to the Policy and Regulatory Committee on 14 June 2022, to recommend for Council adoption. The adoption report can be found here.


Consultation on the proposed Livestock Movement Bylaw 2022 is now closed. A hearing is planned to be held in March 2022.


The proposed Bylaw sets out rules to move livestock safely on roads. It also identifies where livestock movement is allowed, prohibited or requires a Council permit, based on the safety profile of the road.

It sets out Council's livestock movement or crossing permit requirements, and notes how costs will be shared for stock underpasses.

To identify if livestock movement is allowed on your roads, or requires a Council permit, please refer to the table of road classifications and Appendix 3 in the proposed Bylaw. An interactive map is also available. To see what classification your road fits into, click on 'basemap' and 'carriageway'.

For more detail, please refer to the Statement of Proposal, proposed Bylaw, and Submission Form. For any queries, please contact us on