Waikato District Council is currently assessing its role in heritage activity across the district. As part of this review, we are refreshing our Heritage Strategy. Our aim with the Heritage Strategy is to foster collaboration and support for heritage activity so that the unique history and stories of our district are protected for the benefit of current and future generations.
The draft Heritage Strategy sets a vision and priorities for Council’s role in heritage activity, and highlights our intention to work in partnership to achieve these objectives. Heritage is a complex issue that Council cannot tackle alone – we believe the best outcomes will come through working in partnership with iwi and hapuu, central government, neighbouring councils, heritage groups, community organisations and the residents of Waikato District.
The draft Heritage Strategy is also intended to provide guidance to council staff on heritage goals and objectives that should be prioritised within existing budgets and resourcing, as well as projects and activities that should be considered for funding through the development of Council’s Long Term Plans (LTPs).
The refreshed draft Heritage Strategy has been developed through a co-design process with heritage stakeholders, participants in the Waikato District Heritage Forum, and with members of the public through an early engagement survey. We would value your thoughts and feedback on the draft Heritage Strategy.