Early Engagement
Early engagement on the Cemeteries Bylaw closed in August 2022. Council considered all the feedback recieved. This feedback will help shape the Bylaw review in preparation for formal public consultation due to begin later this year.
Early engagement allows you, the public, to take on a more participatory role in the process and have your say on issues that affect you at the very beginning of the process.
Early engagement is a valuable tool and engaging with the community early on in the process helps us to quickly identify any problem/s and develop a document well-equipped to deal with them.
The feedback you provide us with at this stage will shape the bylaw that will go out for formal consultation later on this year.
Formal Consultation
We want to hear your views on the proposed Cemeteries Bylaw. Council is proposing a few changes to enhance the bylaw's effectiveness.
In July 2022, we undertook early engagement and asked the community for their input on the bylaw and whether any changes are necessary to enhance the bylaw's effectiveness. In particular, we asked for feedback on providing natural burials as an option in Council cemeteries, and potentially allowing dogs on lead in Council cemeteries. Council carefully considered all feedback received, and where possible included such suggestions in the proposed Bylaw.
The two most significant changes, following early engagement, are the proposal to allow dogs on lead in cemeteries, and the inclusion of provisions to allow for natural burials in Council cemeteries.
The Statement of Proposal highlights the key proposed changes (located in the document library), and includes a copy of the proposed Bylaw.
Submissions close 16 April 2023.
All submissions made on the Bylaw will be presented to Council and an opportunity will be avaliable to speak to your submission at a hearing if requested.